Thanks for the reference to my work.

Deliberate causation of Autism is routine using non-human Primates hit with 0.000000004 gram per kilogram bodyweight Endotoxin late in pregnancy


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I find this helpful - so the big challenge now for all of us who care deeply and are personally affected by the huge increase in autism is to move on and find out what other variables might be involved.

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Hi Geoff PainPHD,Thankyou for sharing so much info And your hard work in bringing the truth out.If I could make a suggestion it would be great if you could do a brief summary of these articles findings at the end in layman terms as I and I am sure some others can not quite fully understand the conclusions or maybe thats just me cheers

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Autism Roulette ... when you inject your kids... you roll the dice with every shot!

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The data in VAERS point towards the risk level being specific for different vaccines with very low risk (or no risk for some) and much higher risk for others - even for the same type of vaccine. Hence, the most likely trigger/cause is most likely level of some manufacturing contamination - enndotoxins are the top candidates.

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All my kids had their shots with no obvious ill effects. I did come down with a classic presentation of shingles myself two years or so after taking the double Hep B vaxx, and I sometimes wonder idly if there was a connection - if so it was not obvious at the time - but I'd be interested to see any figures on this.

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Your kids should be great. Activation of a latent virus (e.g., shingles is a know adverse side affect).

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