Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

2 autistic sons now 27 and 30. Both were normal infants and developing normally untill MMR. We did not attribute as the reason for son #1 or else would have never gotten MMR for son #2. Been 25 years and no developments which tells me there is too much money to be lost if the truth comes out. I

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

My son was born in 2001, had every vax as scheduled at pediatricians visits. At just under 2 years, he regressed, lost all language and eye contact the day after a series of shots. I never reported to VAERS. Everyone said it was already “proven” that vaccine DO NOT impact Autism.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

This is difficult to write. In sum, my babies were born in 1995, 2001, and 2009. You can see the high numbers across the board there in your chart for those years, esp 01 and 09. It was obvious to me something was wrong each time. My doctors would not report it, and threatened me with CPS if I did. In my opinion, vaccines ruined their health. The oldest has autoimmune; he's sick constantly. The second brain damage and Tourettes (the tourettes was cured, incredibly, by a very smart doctor who went out of business during COVID). The youngest had his language destroyed. We rebuilt it but he still struggles to this day. it wrecked us financially. We've been threatened by the schools, CPS, for homeschooling so we could guarantee they could learn. We have no retirement saved. As I write we are still making decisions based on these events, decades later. I hate vaccines, and I hate doctors. I trusted them and look what they did. By the time I figured it out the damage was done. The puzzle isn't strange. It's evil.

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I am astonished that you have gone along with the vilification of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Research his personal story.

He was thrown under the bus. He did not say MMR caused autism. It was mentioned as a possible link was seen in his subjects for his paper on GI research, and he recommended more investigation.

Please rectify this oversight in your article.

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Go to Indiana and see if you can find an Amish person with autism. And, secondly, see if you can find an Amish person that has ever been vaccinated. Good luck!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

Scientists, doctors, nurses, parents, and even some of the people affected have known and understood the connection for DECADES. Please, everyone who hasn't already--study and catch up. I say this after treating my own son for about 20 years. He has had healing, but it was not possible in his case to completely undo the trajectory of his development once it was thrown off track. Some have complete recovery; some never do--despite all sorts of interventions and biomedical treatments. Vaccination is an utterly useless and often harmful practice. Period.

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Shots are useless because the Contagion theory is a myth.

Read The Moth in the Iron Lung.

Go to https://viroliegy.com And unwrap The Truth About Contagion.

Kids today are sicker than any previous generation and getting sicker each year. Why. It is common sense. They eat poison food, get EMF in levels no other received, and more drugs and shots TOXIC overload. It ain't rocket science. Oh but trust the science.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

In 2003, my 3-year-old son got an MMR shot and he immediately began to deteriorate. He was diagnosed with autism (which I had never heard of) within a week or so after the shot. I had not heard of Andrew Wakefield or his study until after the damage that he described in 1998 had been done to my son. One of my memories of this event was the immediate, knee-jerk reaction of his healthcare providers that the chemical (MMR) that had recently been injected into my son could not possibly have anything to do with the almost immediate deterioration in his health and behavior. 20 years have gone by and nothing has been done to remedy the situation. Steve Kirsch has caught on to this. Just as with the Covid injections, there never seems to be enough evidence of harm. They can approve the latest, greatest Covid shot based on tests with a few mice. But many kids injured by MMR shots is not convincing.

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Who would choose to put heavy metal neuro toxins into a baby’s system before the BBB is properly formed? No parent can give informed consent without that info. All the evidence was there before Wakefield. 1991 was the year my daughter was born. Never vaccinated. Give parents the true facts.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

Regarding VAERS. I have three close friends who, I believe, are vaccine injured (mRNA). Two have suffered syncope twice, resulting in serious injuries to both men (one in a very severe solo vehicle accident). The third has myocarditis and other heart issues. All three were in good health prior to the jabs. Not one has filed a VAERS report. Why? Because despite extensive doctors visits and extensive lab work, halter monitors, etc., their doctors report having no idea why these events have occurred. Thus, no reports. The VAERS data has clearly been extraordinarily suppressed by an unwillingness of the medical community to address this crisis honestly.

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Having read the excellent “Turtles All the Way Down; vaccine science and myth”, heard Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr Peter Macullough speak at The world council for health 2nd anniversary birthday conference in Bath and watched Del BigTree’s Vaxxed documentary I truly believe Andrew Wakefield will be vindicated and that vaccines and their adjuvants (aluminium mercury thimerosol etc) cause harm. The cumulative effect of them is damaging to our health and immune systems. We would do better to naturally boost our innate Immune systems and steer clear of ALL vaccines.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

I got the mmr booster shot to workin 2001 ( in an autistic classroom, ironic) and had to apply for disability by 2003. I also acquired Lyme on the job. Ignored & gaslit for years by insurance dictated doctors. Thankful for my integrative medicine doctor now.

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What I'm REALLY curious about is whether vaccines truly have been the "blessing" they've been attributed.

Imagine this for a moment. Polio. Transmission is primarily contact with feces.

What other things were happening as polio vaccines were released? Water treatment improvements? Improved nutrition? Indoor plumbing?

Now imagine that they worked on a vaccine for scurvy instead of following the trail of green vegetables that helped to the ultimate discovery that it was a vitamin C deficiency?

Imagine that time is now and they created a vaccine for sars cov2 instead of informing everyone that checking your vitamin levels, or simply getting yourself on a vitamin supplement regimen? Wouldn't that suck?

Oh, wait a second...they did do that...

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Tylenol is the trigger for Regressive Autism when given as a fever reducer. Tylenol use took off in 1992 when aspirin was incorrectly linked to Reye's Syndrome. I was there at Children's Hospital Medical Center in 1978 and make the unfounded link of aspirin to Reye's.

Tylenol depletes glutathione, a critical detoxifing enzyme and antioxidant, which is low in autism and mostly oxidized. Tylenol also inhibits Glutathione Reductase needed to recycle oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione. Glutathione is also needed to produce myelin sheaths around nerves at a crucial time in neurodevelopment at 9 months +/-.

The metallothionein system is also disrupted by all this leading to metal intoxication. See my lecture on "Glutathione loss by Gliotoxin then Acetaminophen causes oxidative stess and metal intoxication then Autism" on Vimeo/93293595. It is 27 minutes while the summary is in the first five minutes.

Everyone here is correct.

Vaccines are harmful, metals harmful. Glyphoshate attracts aluminum in the GI tract.

Chemtrails are being used to combat climate change results in massive environmental Al levels poisoning us all.

Trichoderma Virens is used as a biopesticide which is being absorbed in vivo causing Gliotoxin in vivo which also depletes glutathione as explained in my lecture.

All these indicate prevention modalities and therapies.

The spike in VAERs reports in 1999 could have been influenced by Wakefield's paper in 1998 resulting in increased reporting. Also in 2008 Steve Schultz reported a study linking autism to MMR possibly resulting in the 2009 spike.

VAERs is vastly underreported by 1000 to 1 or more. There is no Autism in Cuba as there is no Tylenol as well the the Amish lack of vaccines and Tylenol leads to no Autism there.

Pediatricians receive 80% of their income from vaccines and are unlikely to concede they are poisoning children with vaccinations and the misguided use of Tylenol.

For every Reye's case in 1980 there are now 40,000

Autism cases. Go back to aspirin. Remove metals from vaccine. Scale back vaccinations.

Gump...Forrest Gump...

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

Agreed, I'm shocked Dr. Malone that you do not know the truth about Andrew Wakefield. Do some research. My daughter was brain injured by the DPT vax at 18 months (in 1983) She is high functioning Autistic and motor deficits which do not allow her to drive, blow dry hair etc. Her oldest daughter was also injured by the same vaccine at 2 months after she was bullied by her pediatrician, seizures for close to a year, THANK GOD they subsided. Ironically out of 8 vaccinated family members 5 of us got Pertussis in 2000. What parents need to remember is that pediatricians would have you believe that your child will DIE if he gets any of the diseases for which they should be vaccinated...WRONG. They are all treatable diseases now so why the hell are we giving 27 vaccine doses in the first year of life? Because it has never been about our children's health, rather profits for Big Pharma and our Public Health Agencies. DISGRACEFUL.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Darrell O. Ricke, M.S., Ph.D.

Andrew Wakefield is an ethical and wonderful man. His suggestion that there may be a connection between the vaccine and gut issues was something he has been crucified for, unfairly. He was doing good science by asking the question. Read Chris Exley's book on the damaging effects of aluminum in vaccines on the brains of children. He has spent 40 years studying aluminum and he is another ethical scientist, that I would trust more than anyone else on the subject of aluminum. Andrew Wakefield saw a pattern, which was that mothers were telling him their child regressed after the shots. So, he did not create the pattern, he followed it because he respected the instincts of these parents. And, I think he got it right.

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