Inferred Risks for mRNA and adenoviral vaccines and treatments
COVID-19 vaccines adverse events likely to occur with similar frequencies for these products
In 2021, I compared adverse events for COVID-19 vaccines with all other vaccines, see:
Etiology model for vaccines adverse events
In Figure 1 from this article, there appears an immediate onset of adverse events across unrelated vaccines differing by the reactogenicity level of each vaccine (Y-axis is log(10) scale):
All of the adverse events and serious adverse events appear to fit this pattern. For the highest frequency adverse events (top 100 or so), there is a lot of overlap with symptoms associated with histamine intolerance (HIT) and anaphylaxis. This data appears to be a surge response that is common across many unrelated vaccines.
Hypothesis 1: Immediate onset adverse events (first several days) following vaccinations may be triggered by innate immune responses (histamine and other inflammatory molecules). These adverse events likely persist until the causative elements in this response fall below tolerance threshold.
Hypthesis 2: This same pattern of adverse events is like to occur for both mRNA and adenoviral therapeutics currently under development; with strong expression of treatment gene, similar patterns of innate immune responses are anticipated.
My articles on this model for adverse events:
Myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.
Pain adverse events, Bell's palsy, & Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
Rare Dizziness, Syncope, Loss of Consciousness, Seizure, & Falling (now in Press)
Also, as a side note, intramuscular injection of saline solution is not a valid control:
Intramuscular saline solutions is not a control (now in Press). The same pattern of adverse events occurs as vaccines. I propose this also is activating the same innate immune responses. This invalidates comparisons of any treatment with intramuscular saline solution injections as a control.
I am starting to wonder if there is any justification for *any* vaccine.
The underlying assumption is that vaccines might protect some folks (cannot be proven), but it is known they *definitely* injure and kill others -- and possibly some who were never at risk.
Is the whole business based on flawed ethics? I think so.
It is the same old trolley problem, but with undefined people and numbers being 'saved', and undefined people and unknown numbers being compromised.
The whole business is based on un-provable assumptions.
The only assumption that proves out is that there is lots of money flowing from gullible governments.
No vaccines for me - I take 200mg of Hydroxychloroquine per week and I have a good supply of Ivermectin in hand. Elderberry, Vitamin C, 25 mg Zinc daily along w/ 1 mg Lithium/day.